Hey there everyone!
(Whoever you may be)
Just got done picking the top ten of the animation side for January and I would like to thank NG for letting me be a part of the group that makes decisions and things. I did so going through a bottle of merlot but it certainly helped in many cases.
Overall the animations were phenomenal and plenty of those that I saw were previously seen by me so I did have some favorites already in mind. That being said there were plenty that totally escaped my judgemental eyes previously and I was so blown away by such talented artists out there. I totally hit favorite and subscribed artists all over the place.
It was a truly inspiring experience to see the best of January and a long process of contemplation to pick just ten to be the best of January.
You all did fantasmical jobs and I envy your passion and will to go so far beyond that of the normal means to produce such amazing animations. Be it comedy or throwing forth a self reflective meaning, you all deserve a medal in my mind and heart and I cannot wait to see what February has in store for NG as a whole.
That being said I'm drunk and going to bed. NIGHT!